In Homescapes Level 4766, your main goal is to collect enough cat treats and donuts to advance. This level requires a precise strategy, so here are key tips to help you win:
Focus on Clearing Obstacles: Start by clearing as many tiles as possible around the cat treats and donuts. This will make them more accessible and allow more pieces to fall in for potential matches.
Create Special Combinations: Aim for powerful combos like Paper Planes and Rainbow Balls. Combining a Rainbow Ball with another special item can clear vast sections of the board, helping to gather cat treats and donuts faster.
Work Near the Bottom: Moves at the bottom of the board can lead to cascading matches above, automatically collecting more treats and donuts. This technique is particularly useful for limited-move levels like 4766.
Use Boosters If Needed: If you’re nearing the end of your moves and still need a few items, use boosters like Hammers or Rockets strategically to clear the remaining cat treats and donuts.
For a full walkthrough, check out this helpful Gamopolis YouTube video for additional insights. Good luck!